Monday, May 18, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys!

Its been a quite a while since my last post. This post is specially dedicated to my boys. When we said "boys will be boys!" we always associte it with cheeky or bad things. Is that bad? Is that good?

I have 3 boys and for before anyone says "poor you! to take care of 3 boys! You should try for a girl"... I want you people to put a halt to that thought. I know having 3 boys can be quite handful and how sometimes I do wish that they are (one of them at least :D) a little princess. How nice and how I can dress them in preeeetty things and how we can be best friends for life! When I habour that thought I realise that it is not fair for my three angels. What qualify a girl to be a princess in everyone hearts and how being a boy automaticly disqualify them from such thing? Having boys is not bad at all.. and having 3 boys is the same thing as having 3 girls! No difference..!

How when my boys utter the words "I love you, mama!" "I love you to infinity!"makes my heart melt? mmm...they are boys but if they know how to appreciate a women it means so much! My boys are just like the other boys...they play, they laugh, they fight...they play, they laugh, they fight and it will continue like that.

One day something sweet happened. It was just a simple note made my heart goes " sweet..."

I came back from office and saw this being stuck to the fridge door.

It is a note from lil bro to big bro. Lil bro bought ice cream using his pocket money for his big bro.

The next day, this note was stuck to the fridge door as well. The big bro is returning the favor of his lil bro... he too, buy Adam's fav ice cream! sweettt...

I want my boys not to feel shy or ashamed to utter the words " I love you"... I want them to show their feelings and not hide them...

Mama LOVE YOU Imran and Adam!! and of course baby Irsyad!!