Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Beginning

First day of school. Oh!Boy! ... Oh! Boy... Oh! Boy...

How excited could it be? I know Nemo IS ... but only so-so for my tired eyed juniors. I'm trying to pump up the excitment by buying them new study desks. Ooohhh...they just loved it! The day the furniture arrived they were bouncing with (not so cheap) trick!

IDK already put in the alarm to wake up in the morning but as loud as a plane crash the alarm blares he is still in slumberland. Ooohhh! My baby is still sleepy...wake up he must!...but...let him have a longer zzzzzzzzz.....(my poor baby!)

I went upstair to have my showers and when I'm back at the room my two babies already at their study desk...oooohhhhh....they are catching the bait...

The day started at 6.30am when I rush them to take the morning showers. And if you want to know, I absolutely salute the full time mom who chauffers the kids around! I, for once had my fair share yesterday. If you peeps want to know what I didyesterday, here goes:-(

I started to chauffer IDK at 7.30am, rush back home to send IAK at 8.00am. Bought breakky for the household and spend some quality time with baby Ir and at 11.00am go pick up IAK. Before I take can take a breather, times up to send IAK and pick up IDK @ 1.00 pm. IAK off, IDK in. Ok? Yes! Get IDK his lunch and make sure his tummy is full and send him off at 2.30pm. Come back home to lil baby Ir and planned to take him to lalaland...checked? Nooooo!...instead I took his place and visited the lalaland (but in a jiffy....unfairr!!!) Baby Ir dont let me have any beauty sleep. Gosh!!! Before I knew it, its already 5.30am and time to pick up IDK. After that we went to send a few things back to my place in SGL and grab some KFC and some Aik Cheong coffee (evil stuff..nyeh!nyeh!nyeh!) for MIL. Looking at my watch and its telling me to quickly drive back to SGS and we reached there just slighty before 6.30pm.
Whaaaaa.....I'm so exhausted already!!! But I'm Supermom and Supermom do not complain ;p